The Beatitudes – Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Justice

Ninoy Aquino

The Beatitudes – Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Justice

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice” is an affirmation addressed to those who struggle for justice, so that there can be justice in this world. Jesus says, “Blessed are those who fight against injustice.” This is a doctrine that goes against the grain of what the world tells us.—Papa Francesco, Homily at Casa Santa Maria, June 9, 2014

Heroes and history
Philippine Daily Inquirer / 05:10 AM August 29, 2017

Although taking on the dimensions of a rote exercise by now, Malacañang’s issuance of an official statement last Aug. 21 honoring Ninoy Aquino on the 34th year of his assassination and reminding the nation of his heroic place in the people’s fight for freedom, was commendable.

A bit of a surprise, in fact, given the general antipathy that has been directed at the Aquinos’ legacy by certain forces identified with President Duterte, who ran and won on a platform of change that promised a radical break from the conventions of the liberal democracy established after the Aquino-led People Power revolution of 1986.

But there it was — Mr. Duterte’s signature on words that unreservedly paid tribute to the opposition figure killed at high noon at the Manila International Airport tarmac — a brazen act of murder that would mark the beginning of the end of the Marcos dictatorship.

“Throughout his career,” the statement read, “[Ninoy] fought for what is right and just. Up until the very end of his life, he inspired a peaceful revolution that resulted in the liberties we enjoy today… His deeds have taught us that we should always aspire for the common good — even if one must go against the grain — and do what is necessary.”


  1. Because of deep divisions in the partisan politics of the Philippines, Ninoy Aquino will not receive the universal recognition he deserves as a national hero and martyr for justice. His mortal nemesis, the Marcos family, makes every undying effort to diminish his heroism and negate his legacy. Nothing would please them more than to erase his memory—and that of his wife, President Corazon C. Aquino, another hero of the Philippines—from history.



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