What Are the “Spirits”?

The Dream of Saint Joseph (c. 1773-74) by Anton Raphael Mengs


Spirits indicate the various spiritual agents which, by their suggestions and movements, may influence the moral value of our acts.

...They are reduced to four, including, in a certain way, the human soul itself, because in consequence of the original Fall, its lower faculties are at variance with its superior powers. Concupiscence, that is to say, disturbances of the imagination and errors of sensibility, thwart or pervert the operations of the intellect and will, by deterring the one from the true and the other from the good (Genesis 8:21; James 1:14). In opposition to our vitiated nature, or so to speak, to the flesh which drags us into sin, the Spirit of God acts within us by grace, a supernatural help given to our intellect and will to lead us back to good and to the observance of the moral law (Romans 7:22-25). Besides these two spirits, the human and the Divine, in the actual order of Providence, two others must be observed. The Creator willed that there should be communication between angels and men, and as the angels are of two kinds, good and bad, the latter try to win us over to their rebellion and the former endeavour to make us their companions in obedience. Hence four spirits lay siege to our liberty: the angelic and the Divine seeking its good, and the human (in the sense heretofore mentioned) and the diabolical its misery. In ordinary language they may, for brevity’s sake, be called simply the good and the evil spirit.

Catholic Encyclopedia on DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS:

—Paul Debuchy, “Discernment of Spirits,” The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909)
The four spirits are concupiscence, the spirit of God, and good and evil angels. 


To prove that a revelation is Divine (at least in its general outlines), the method of exclusion is sometimes employed. It consists in proving that neither the demon nor the ecstatic’s own ideas have interfered (at least on important points) with God’s action, and that no one has retouched the revelation after its occurrence.

...Our information concerning a revelation considered in itself or concerning the circumstances that accompanied it might be secured as follows:

...6. What sentiments of peace, or, on the other hand, of disturbance, are experienced during or after the revelations? Here is the rule as formulated by St. Catherine of Siena and St. Ignatius: “With persons of good will [it is only of such that we are here treating] the action of the good spirit [God or His Angels] is characterized by the production of peace, joy, security, courage; except perhaps at the first moment.” Note the restriction. The Bible often mentions this disturbance at the first moment of the revelation; the Blessed Virgin experienced it when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her. The action of the demon produces quite the contrary effect: “With persons of good will he produces, except perhaps at the first moment, disturbance, sorrow, discouragement, perturbation, gloom.” In a word the action of Satan encounters a mysterious resistance of the soul.

Catholic Encyclopedia on PRIVATE REVELATION:

—Augustin Poulain, “Private Revelations,” The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912)

The above criterion is notable because it addresses a question that has occupied me for years: Is it possible for the evil spirits (by the term “spirits,” we exclude concupiscence) to exactly duplicate the action of the good spirits?

It is only criterion No. 6 that directly answers this question: No, the evil spirits cannot duplicate the action of the good spirits in its CONCOMITANT EFFECTS. In everything else, I assume, yes.

We know that the spirits have the power to directly affect the senses and the intellect but that it is only God who has the power to directly influence the will, e.g. by infusing the gift of fortitude.

Evil spirits can affect the senses and the intellect, and because the soul is joined to the body, this influence as a rule has concomitant effects on the emotions. An exception, for example, would include out-of-body experiences.

The action of evil spirits produces different concomitant effects on the emotions from that of the good spirits. A plain illustration of this principle is that persons who are fundamentally oriented toward God and struggling to live virtuous lives experience spiritual disturbance and distress during the course of demonic temptations.

In sum: the attributes of the action of the evil spirits are not identical to those of the good spirits in the particular aspect of concomitant effects.


By the term “spirits,” we exclude concupiscence.

This particular passage is informative:

“There are three kinds of speech: exterior, which is received by the ear, and interior, which is subdivided into imaginative and intellectual. The last is a communication of thoughts without words.

“There are three similar kinds of visions.”

Catholic Encyclopedia on CONTEMPLATION:

—Augustin Poulain, “Contemplation,” The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908)

We can say the same of the experience of the other senses, e.g. smell, taste, touch. For example:

“So I went up to the angel and told him to give me the small scroll. He said to me, ‘Take and swallow it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will taste as sweet as honey.’ I took the small scroll from the angel’s hand and swallowed it. In my mouth it was like sweet honey, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.” (Revelation 9:10)

We begin with the assumption that supernatural or contemplative experiences vary in their strength.

Now sometimes the supernatural character of the experience is ambiguous. For example, human souls can be felt faintly so that we cannot be sure if it is our imagination at work. At other times, they can be felt strongly; some say they are seen visibly.

When the experience is strong, the supernatural character of the experience is unambiguous. We can tell it is so by way of contradistinction with our past natural experiences.

It is apparent, for example, that the above experience of Saint John the visionary in the Book of Revelation is not natural. It is supernatural.

The attributes of supernatural experiences, particularly when they are unambiguous and strong, are distinguished from those of the natural experiences of the senses, the imagination, and the intellect working in its condition of union with the body. We may speak of a “supernatural quality.”


  1. Images of works of art are posted on this website according to principles of fair use, specifically, they are posted for the purposes of information, education, and especially, contemplation.


  2. Are there really only four “spirits”?

    We could include as well under the rubric of “human factors,” psychological disorders and other factors - not necessarily dysfunctional or pathological - of a psychological or sociological character, e.g. scientific ignorance.


  3. Peace is the spirit of consolation and a sign of God’s consolation.

    Is false consolation possible? Yes. We have to examine the entire experience of the spirits, including and especially where the soul stands in the spiritual life.

    Everyone is vulnerable to false consolation, but particularly those who are far from God or just beginning their journey back.

    The devil is the master of false consolation.


  4. Most private revelations that come from God I would venture are for the benefit of the individual recipient. Private revelations like Lourdes that are approved and endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church are very much the exception.

    The various rules of discernment are helpful for the individual to judge and evaluate their own experience. They are not necessarily for the use only of Church authority to pronounce on the reports of seers.

    It is useful to speak about personal private revelations in order to compare notes and thereby advance in knowledge and judgment. The firsthand accounts you might find on YouTube, for example, can be extremely informative, especially if they are integrated with the past knowledge of theologians and the saints. Needless to say, this personal information should be shared with caution and good judgment. Notably, keeping everything to oneself has its drawbacks. Private revelations that are unvoiced can assume, for instance, an importance in the mind of the recipient that isn’t warranted.


  5. The devil has the capacity to affect not only our senses, emotions, and imagination, but also our intellect. See, for example, Saint Teresa of Avila’s account of her experience of the devil’s presence.

    “I have seldom seen him in bodily shape, but I have often seen him without any form, as in the kind of vision I have described, in which no form is seen but the object is known to be there.” (Life of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Chapter 31, 276)

    The saint describes what she later terms an “intellectual vision.” See The Interior Castle, Chapter 8, 2.


    1. I suspect many people are not aware of how often and how easily they succumb to the devil’s temptations because they don’t recognize them as such.


    2. The devil is a pure spirit. He doesn’t have a sensible appearance, but he has the capacity to represent himself to us through our senses, emotions, imagination, or intellect. He can represent himself in a purely intellectual, non-sensible way. He can show himself as handsome or lovely, or oppositely as bestial, chimerical, frightening, and horrific. The devil likes to frighten people with his appearances. It’s an empty show of power on his part rooted in his pride. If we make the unspeakable mistake of choosing to join him in hell, he will have the power to torment us forever.



      The position that the devil cannot directly influence our intellect is argued in Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Question 80, Article 1:

      The interior part of the soul is intellective and sensitive; and the intellective part contains the intellect and the will. ...Now the intellect, of its very nature, is moved by that which enlightens it in the knowledge of truth, which the devil has no intention of doing in man's regard; rather does he darken man's reason so that it may consent to sin, which darkness is due to the imagination and sensitive appetite. Consequently, the operation of the devil seems to be confined to the imagination and sensitive appetite, by moving either of which he can induce man to sin. For his operation may result in presenting certain forms to the imagination; and he is able to incite the sensitive appetite to some passion or other.


      The devil does not directly present information to the intellect, but he can directly affect our intellect insofar as our intellect is inherently joined to our senses, and to our imagination and memory, all of which and over which the devil is allowed to exercise some degree of influence and control. Our senses, and our imagination and memory are all subject to the influence and control of the devil through temptation.

      The capacity of the devil for direct influence over our intellect is illustrated in the fact that we can communicate with the angels—including the evil angels—telepathically, that is, by speaking to them using our thoughts only; the angels, in turn, can communicate with us telepathically and discursively.

      Because telepathic, discursive communication employs our interior senses, principally our imagination, joined to our intellect operating at the level of understanding, the angels, including the evil angels, in this manner can directly influence our intellect.

      One explanation for Saint Teresa’s account of her “intellectual vision” of the devil is that the evil spirit by acting upon her interior senses elicited an awareness of his active presence. Her awareness was continuous as long as the devil acted thereby.

      NDE’s inform us that it is possible for angels to communicate directly with the soul when the latter is separated from the body—angelic messages are not mediated by the interior senses but rather transmitted directly to the intellect.

      Apparently, according to NDE accounts, there are spiritual counterparts of the five (or more) senses in the soul, so that intellect is not purely intuitive, but paradoxically, concomitantly “sensible.”

      All told, Aquinas’ view that the devil cannot directly influence our intellect requires elaboration.


    4. One of the ways in which demons manifest themselves is not in any kind of visual form or by affecting any of the senses—eerie whispers or fetid smells, for example—but by communicating to the seer a sort of intuition of the evil spirit’s essence. The seer in effect intuits the devil’s essence as pure evil or malevolence reified.


    5. The devil is evil because of the irrevocable orientation of his will. He is God’s enemy forever.


  6. 99% of demonic action is through temptation, which is why the devil likes to induce people to believe that he doesn’t exist. Their ignorance of the devil’s influence undermines their resistance to temptation and facilitates their collaboration with the devil unknowingly.



    The devil can communicate with us telepathically but they cannot hear us if we don’t address our thoughts to them. They do not know our thoughts directly but rather infer them through observation. Angels and devils cannot access our thoughts directly because our thoughts hiddenly pertain to the operation of our conscience and conscience is the sanctuary where only God dwells.



      Many Bible verses say that the devil plays the role of tempter, which involves telepathic (thoughts) communication.

      Angels in the Bible hear and answer prayers as intercessors before God. Devils who belong to the same order of creatures share this power of hearing.

      About the intercession of the angels:


      —Dave Armstrong, “Angelic Intercession is Totally Biblical,” National Catholic Register (July 1, 2018)

      There isn’t any single good article on the internet about how the devil is described in the Bible. You can read two or three articles on this subject and that way get an idea of what’s in Scripture. What we know of the devil is scattered throughout Scripture and has to be put together to create a fuller picture of the devil.

      Best single article about the devil in Scripture that I was able to find:


      —William G. Bellshaw, “The New Testament Doctrine of Satan”

      There is some Biblical evidence the devil lacks knowledge of hidden things and cannot read minds, e.g. temptation of Christ in the desert.



    The devil’s influence originates external to the soul while concupiscence, or “the propensity of human nature to sin as a result of original sin,” arises internally, from the “wounded” nature of the human person.

    A key criterion for discerning the source of the evil spirit is given in Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises, 335.

    “In those who go on from good to better, the good angel touches the soul sweetly, lightly, and gently, like a drop of water which enters into a sponge. And the evil touches it sharply and with noise and disquiet, as when the drop of water falls on a stone.

    “And the above-said spirits touch in a contrary way those who go on from bad to worse.

    “The reason of this is that the disposition of the soul is contrary or like to the said Angels. Because, when it is contrary, they enter perceptibly with clatter and noise; and when it is like, they enter with silence as into their own home, through the open door.”

    The capacity of the soul to discern the character of the evil spirit depends on their disposition, whether they are moving toward God or away from him, and everything in between.

    The soul living a holy life readily recognizes the influence of the devil—he enters “with clatter and noise,” causing disquiet and unease if not actually manifesting his presence overtly. Moreover, the devil’s temptations, in contrast to the impulses of concupiscence, are perceptibly stronger.

    The soul habituated to grave sin, on the other hand, does not easily distinguish the influence of the devil from the enticements of their own concupiscence because the two appear to the soul as being alike.

    The soul has to depend on the influence of the good spirit—God and his angels—to enlighten them and make them aware of the influence and presence of the evil spirit. It is through the power and inspiration of the good spirit that the soul in this case recognizes the influence of the evil spirit.


    1. “the propensity of human nature to sin as a result of original sin” – Catholic Dictionary


    2. “People are attacked by evil spirits I think more often than they realize. …We all have the normal temptations, and Satan does that to us, he tempts us, that’s part of our daily lives. But sometimes we get these stronger attacks…there’s something intense about that which is probably demonic.”

      —St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal, “Pray With Me: If Attacked By Demons,” YouTube video, 2:54 minutes, April 21, 2024

      A key attribute, a giveaway, that the source of the evil spirit is the devil and not concupiscence is the intensity of the temptation. A strong temptation is indicative of the devil as the source, and the stronger, the more revealing and obvious.


    3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEz7nkHt8qg

      —St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal, “Pray With Me: If Attacked By Demons,” YouTube video, 2:54 minutes, April 21, 2024


  9. “Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, ‘All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.’” (Matthew 4:8-9)

    The world belongs to Satan—power, wealth, and the indulgence of every vice through nefarious means.

    At the same time everything belongs to God, including all the good things of the world.

    The key difference is how the goods of this world are sought, acquired, and used—to love and serve God or to indulge vice and commit sin.


  10. Some revealing Bible verses about the nature of the devil.

    The devil is a murderer and a liar.

    Satan was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)

    The devil is envious of humanity.

    By the envy of the devil, death entered the world. (Wisdom 2:24)

    The devil is the accuser.

    Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have salvation and power come, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Anointed. For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, who accuses them before our God day and night.” (Revelation 12:10)


    1. “God wants to forgive us, while Satan wants to condemn us.”

      “Satan wants...to drive us deeper into despair.”


      —Philip Kosloski, “Why Satan is known as the ‘accuser,’” Aleteia.org, October 26, 2021



    Super-long video one-and-a-half hours so I will just highlight several points in the video:

    2:40 Title page
    4:20 Definition of clairvoyance
    7:07 Definition of divination
    8:32 Catechism of the Catholic Church 2116
    14:00 Definition of Third Eye
    15:44 “Psychic abilities are fairly common”
    26:15 Definition of Occult Third Eye


    —Archdiocese of Manila Office of Exorcism, “Talk 9 The Occult Third Eye-October 12, 2020 Fr Winston Cabading, OP,” YouTube video, 1:24:45 hours, October 12, 2020

    Theological exposition is persuasive as far as it goes but its principal deficiency is that it deals only with demonic powers of clairvoyance. It also identifies clairvoyance with the demonically enhanced “third eye” and the demonic generally.

    If we examine the definition of clairvoyance, it is neutral in the sense that it is not identified with the influence of either good or evil spirits. Clairvoyance is not by definition demonic in nature.

    Furthermore, we know many, many instances and accounts in which clairvoyance in this neutral sense of the word is the result of the action of good spirits and in which, ultimately, God is the salutary cause.

    The video fails to address the case in which clairvoyance is the product of the good spirits.

    In addition, some who are born with above average psychic abilities use these abilities for the good and presumably in this case if we assume that their abilities are influenced or enhanced by the spirits, we would deduce that the spirits are good.

    Apropos of this subject Father Stephen Rossetti says the following:

    34:30 Sensitivity to the supernatural


    —National Review Institute, “Diary of an American Exorcist” YouTube video, 1:00:17 hours, Oct 27, 2021

    Father Rossetti observes that some have received gifts of clairvoyance (neutral sense) from God and that exorcists in fact use their gifts to assist in exorcisms.

    A last point: The soul is the battleground of good and evil spirits in which the will that morally chooses is the object of spiritual warfare. Father Cabading (Manila Archdiocese video) does not deal with the coexistence of good and evil spirits striving to influence the soul or how to distinguish them and respond to their consequential influence. He deals only with the influence of the demonic. In this respect the Manila Archdiocese video is woefully inadequate. The Ignatian framework for discerning the spirits is more useful and helpful in this respect.



    Britannica provides a concise, accurate explanation.

    begin Baphomet, invented pagan or gnostic idol or deity that the Templars were accused of worshipping and that was later embraced by various occult and mystical writers.

    The first known mention of Baphomet was in a letter written in 1098 by Anselm of Ribemont describing the Siege of Antioch during the First Crusade. Anselm stated that the Turks “called loudly upon Baphomet.” Most scholars believe that the name is an alteration of “Mahomet,” or Muhammad, the founder of Islam. In 1307 Philip IV of France had every Templar in France arrested, accusing them of such heretical acts as idolatrous worship of a bearded male head called Baphomet. By the 19th century Freemasons had also been (falsely) said to worship Baphomet.

    In his book Dogme et rituel de la haute magie (1854–56; The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic), the influential French occultist Éliphas Lévi created the Baphomet that has become a recognized occult icon. The book’s frontispiece was a drawing of Baphomet imagined as a “Sabbatic Goat”—a hermaphroditic winged human figure with the head and feet of a goat that is adorned with numerous esoteric symbols. Lévi describes the meaning of each element of the drawing, which is defined by its profound and pervasive duality. British occultist Aleister Crowley also adopted Baphomet, notably in his “Gnostic Mass.” More recently, the Satanic Temple commissioned a statue of Baphomet, which was unveiled in 2015 and then moved to various places as a protest against displays of Ten Commandments monuments in public spaces. end


    —Pat Bauer, “Baphomet,” Brittanica.com, May 29, 2024

    To be continued




      A more detailed explanation of the image is given in Got Questions.

      begin The modern representation of Baphomet originated in 1861 with the French occultist Eliphas Levi, who drew an image of the “Sabbatic Goat or Baphomet of Mendes” in his book Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (Dogmas and Rituals of High Magic). Levi’s image is a hermaphroditic figure, sitting cross-legged, with the head of a goat. The figure contains several opposites: one male arm and one female, women’s breasts but a Caduceus phallic symbol, one arm pointed up at a white moon and the other pointed down at a dark moon. The contrasts were to symbolize conflicting forces in the universe that must be balanced to make true light. Levi meant to combine several icons: the Templar figure; Satan; the fertility god-goat of Mendes, Egypt; and the goat that witches supposedly worship at their Sabbats, or pagan holidays. The goat-like appearance of Baphomet also resembles Pan, Puck, and the Celtic Cernunnos. Levi claimed the name Baphomet came from reading the Latin abbreviation for “the father of the temple of universal peace among men” backwards.

      In 1897 Stanislas de Gauaita adapted the head of Levi’s Sabbatic Goat to fit inside a pentagram. De Gauaita’s version of Baphomet included an upside-down, five-pointed star surrounded by two circles. Between the circles are five Hebrew letters, one on each point of the star, spelling the Hebrew word for “Leviathan.” Around the arms of the star on the top is the name Samael, the angel of death in Talmudic lore; and on the bottom, Lilith, a female demon who was Adam’s first wife according to pagan beliefs. In 1969 Anton LaVey adopted the pentagram goat for his Church of Satan and definitively identified it with Baphomet.

      Aleister Crowley, the occultist and magician of the late 19th to mid-20th century, interpreted Baphomet as the “divine androgyne.” Crowley rejected the concepts of the biblical God and Satan and followed the Gnostic teaching that Satan brought wisdom to mankind—that old lie of the serpent in the garden. Baphomet was his symbol and represented life, love, and light. With the addition of the Zodiac sign Capricorn (the goat), liberty is added. end


      —“Who/what is Baphomet?” Got Questions, updated July 22, 2022

      To be continued 2



      Continued 2

      Is Baphomet an image of the devil?

      The image of Baphomet uses demonic tropes, and it has a bestial chimeric appearance, which the devil sometimes assumes.

      A common demonic trope, for example, is the inversion of the holy. Instances of inversion in this image include the Gnostic trope that it was Satan who brought wisdom to humanity, subverting Christian teaching that it is God who is the author of truth, indeed, Truth itself; the reverse anagram, “the father of the temple of universal peace among men,” when it is the devil who does the opposite, inciting division, discord, conflict, war, and death in and among humanity; and the androgyne, alternatively, the hermaphrodite, undercutting the Genesis account of God’s creation of the first man and woman.

      What is represented as the reconciliation of opposites subverts what is in reality the combination of contradictions, so that evil impliedly substitutes for good and identifies with it.

      Numerous tropes identify the image as Satan, whether directly or indirectly: the goat worshipped by witches; the pagan gods or spirits of Egypt, Greece, or the Celts; and the name of Samael, the angel of death, opposite that of Lilith, the demon of seduction.

      Baphomet is an image of the occult. In Roman Catholicism the practice of the occult always involves the invocation of demons, that is, fallen angels, so that engaging the occult is always considered a sin and sometimes even a mortal sin.

      Today Baphomet is widely acknowledged as a symbol of Satanism, largely because in 1969 Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, adopted it as his standard.

      Some do not see the devil in this image. It is for many an image of the devil for the reasons given above.



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